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Kilkenny Charolais
Where tradition matters.

Woolooga - 23rd August 2024

Presenting 80 Charolais Bulls, please find catalogue below.

Blackall- 3rd September 2024

Presenting 50 Charolais Bulls, please find catalogue below.

"Our focus is to breed top end cattle that have the versatility to meet all markets"

Kilkenny Charolais has been selling bulls in South East Queensland for the last 40 years with their progeny assisting producers to achieve top end returns, as is evidenced by the record prices achieved at weaner sales.

Brand Kilkenny Charolais
Kilkenny Charolais Bull sales Flyer 2024

Our clients results

Barcoo Beef Challange Winner Sired by Kilkenny Charolais
Overall Champion at Barcoo Beef Challenge 2023

Rosevale Santa x Kilkenny Charolais



Congratulations to John Brown on winning the overall Champion at the Barcoo Beef Challenge with a champion pen of steers sired by Kilkenny Charolais Bulls.



Picture by Sally Gall, Queensland Country Life

6 white Charolais stud bulls with green Kilkenny Charolais ear tags grazing on a lush green oats paddock
Peter Pan

Introducing new bloodlines

"Tinnegarney Peter Pan"

Introducing new bloodlines is essential to maintaining an extensive gene-pool. We're proud to announce that we'll be incorporating Peter Pan's genetics into our breeding program this year. He's a top-performing bull from Ireland, and we're confident that his traits will produce exceptional results in our cattle.

Santa x Kilkenny Charolais commercial heifers

Bred at Boongoondoo Station ,4728 Jericho. "the Charolais cross Santa heifers as well as the steers never disappoint", Danny Lawlor. 

Kilkenny Charolais

0428 745 095
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